The Collection - Communicating: the Heart of Literacy

A collection of opinions by Tasmanians about the complicated problems of communication and literacy challenges.

Its purpose was to help us understand the diversity of views, hopes, insights and opinions within our community.

The writings are warm, frank, inspiring and varied. They are filled with yearning and hope. You might not completely agree with them but that is the very point. We might each find opportunity to learn something new, or something about our unconscious biases. The writings will help you see the size of the cloth we must hold, to feel the tension we must bear, if we are to collectively make a difference to Tasmania’s and Australia’s literacy woes.

Generous Tasmanians gave of their time and thoughts to increase the public dialogue about communication, collaboration, language and literacy. Read their work here – or download a copy of the Communicating: The Heart of Literacy Collection below.

The Collection was brought into the world in the weeks before the Communicating: The Heart of Literacy symposium, November 2018.

#100%Literacy was borne out of this symposium.

#100%Literacy is a collective voice bringing all together to advocate for improved literacy outcomes for Tasmanians through informed, evidence-based practices and policy development.



Communicating: The heart of literacy - Report


No Bars on Communication