Matt’s Story

Connect42 has been working with Blue Sky Films on a short series of Learner Journey Films. Matt's Story is our second film, it is about Matt, a courageous single father who has turned his life around to build a better life for his kids. Crucial to Matt's journey was the opportunity to strengthen his reading and writing skills.

Matt shares the story of his courageous fight back to sobriety and positive living after a crippling addiction to the ice pipe. Love for his children has motivated Matt, who has worked hard to improve opportunities for his kids and encourage their education.

Rosalie Martin has supported Matt to build his own reading and writing skills through a Connect42 literacy program.

Matt's Story is a Connect42 Learner Journey story and was made by George Underwood at Blue Sky Films. Copyright Connect42 2022.


Just Time - The program changing lives of parents behind bars


“Once you learn to read you will be forever free”.